Privacy Statement & Consent


Motion Money Pty Ltd, trading as Motion Money, ACN 617 641 620: is an Australian Credit Licence holder of 497790. Motion Money collects information about you for the purposes that you agree to in this Privacy Disclosure Statement and Consent. When you grant consent, you agree that we can, consistently with Australia’s privacy and credit reporting laws, collect, use and exchange credit and personal information about you for those purposes.

Collection of information

I consent to Motion Money collecting my personal and credit information from me. I understand that if I do not provide all the information that is requested from me the entity may be unable to provide me with their services. I also understand that if any of my personal information should change, such as residential address, phone number, email address, etc, it is my responsibility to advise the entity of this.

Use of Information

I consent and give permission to Motion Money to use all or any part of the information I provide or which we otherwise collect about you (“your personal information”) during the loan term, for any related purpose including but not limited to:

    • assess your financial circumstances and whether the proposed loan is not unsuitable;
    • notify you of a default if necessary;
    • notify other credit providers or credit reporting bodies of a default if necessary;
    • efficiently manage and administer all services we provide to you;
    • direct market to but only by our associated companies;
    • identify you;
    • locate any motor vehicle over which you have granted security to us for the proposed loan;
    • customer service requests such as providing access to and updating personal information and resolving disputes;
    • gather information and statistical data to analyse and evaluate business functions;
    • develop our service offerings and improve overall business processes
  • comply with legal requirements under various acts such as the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009, the Privacy Act 1988 and the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006;

Types of Information

This information can include any information about your identity, address, employment, credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity, that finance providers and credit reporting agencies are allowed to give to, or receive from, each other under the Privacy Act 1988.

It may also include sensitive and personal information should you provide such to us as part of an application to vary the terms of repayment of your loan because of hardship.

Disclosure of Information

I consent to the entity disclosing my personal information to provide me with their referral and marketing services, and any other related purpose as outlined above, on an ongoing basis to:

    • credit reporting bodies as authorised by law;
    • credit providers, credit brokers, other referrers and other service providers;
    • appropriate government authorities as required by law;
    • auditors, debt collection agents, insurers, financiers, lawyers and solicitors;
    • our external service providers and their agents that provide business services to us, on a confidential basis, only for the purpose of our business;
    • our external dispute resolution agency in relation to any complaint by you; and
    • any appropriate court or tribunal as required by law;
  • our associated companies.

Electronic Authorisation & Communication

It is our intention that communications with you will be conducted under the provisions of the Electronic Transactions Act 1999. We can only conduct our business with you electronically if we have your consent and agreement to do so.

I consent to receive all communications, information and documents, where possible, from Motion Money through electronic communications, including but not limited to:

    • requests for information regarding credit applications and contract variation requests;
    • disclosure documents such as credit guides and information statements, copy of assessments, credit contract documents, variations of these and credit contract offers;
    • notices, such as missed payment notices, default notices, final notices, settlement notices and account statements;
    • marketing materials and promotions;
  • any other communications, information, or documents that must or will be provided to you or which you have requested.

I understand that under the Spam Act 2003, Motion Money may not communicate with me via commercial electronic messages unless I provide my consent. I consent to the entity communicating with me via commercial electronic messages (email, SMS, fax) to provide me with convenient and fast communications.

Bank Statement Retrieval

By making an application, I consent to Motion Money using on my behalf an electronic statement retrieval solution to collect my bank statements and transaction information. (If you do not agree you may not be able to proceed with your application.

I understand that one or all the following statements retrieval providers may be used;

I understand that by using an electronic statement retrieval solution, such as those above:

    • I have read and agree to their User Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policies;
    • I understand I am using these services at my own risk;
    • I consent to them having read-only access to my bank account transaction data and for this data to be provided to the entity and any party I have consented to;
    • I understand that the transaction data supplied may include transactions from the previous 12 months from all available accounts;
    • I understand my user login credentials are encrypted and safely stored by a third-party service provider on their servers in a secure environment outside Australia and that no unauthorised party will have access to this information;
    • I authorise the entity to use my encrypted login credentials in any future credit services and for the Motion Money to request a read-only transaction history;
    • I understand my user login credentials are encrypted and safely stored by a third-party service provider on their servers in a secure environment outside Australia and that no unauthorised party will have access to this information;
  • I authorise the entity to use my encrypted login credentials in any future credit services and for the entity to request a read-only transaction history.

GPS Tracking Device

In addition to the above information, you give us express permission and consent to collect information for the above purposes about the location of any motor vehicle over which you have granted security to us for the proposed loan using a GPS Tracking Device installed in that motor vehicle.